Refugee gardeners take a field trip to TSU
Last Friday, the Refuge gardeners and staff drove in a caravan to the TSU farm from the Refuge Garden; there was lots of chatter from the gardeners as we traveled. We were headed to explore the legume research of TSU professor, Dr. Blair and graduate student, Devendra.
Many of our gardeners at the Refuge Garden site have been growing beautiful yard long beans this season, and Devendra’s research specifically explored different varieties of this type of bean.
We greeted them at the garden, explored the language of legumes and took a walk to their research plots.
The act of growing food can cross cultural barriers. We find ourselves in the midst of the plants speaking for themselves.
Thanks to everyone who made this field trip possible: Dr. Blair, Devendra, Catherine Pearson-TFLI and Christina Bentrup- TNFP!