To Your Stations!
Posted by Tiffany Hodge to News, RISEApollo Middle School students have been very busy! Whenever I enter the school, there is fun, all-school activity happening!. My R.I.S.E. students have had a lot of energy and are eager to get together as a group after school.
This semester, we have a new schedule that includes sharing our week between the computer lab and the art room. In the computer lab we focus on academic computer websites, such as ones that have fun English learning games and others that have fun ways to learn math. The students really love the pirate game that quizzes them on multiplication tables so their character can run across the boat and make its way to the crow’s nest!
In the art room, we have been doing station rotations. Each station has a different academic component to it. For example, one station is ‘egg shell math’: there are two pennies inside of an empty egg carton and each egg cup has a number written on it. Shake the egg carton, open it up, and where the pennies land, you multiply. This is a great way for some fun, light-hearted competition while learning multiplication tables! As you can see, multiplication tables are something we focus on! Its important to lock down that basic math foundation because it makes the rest of math a breeze. Besides our math activities, we have science trivia, a small library of books, and a homework station for those with homework. Next week we are going to focus on literacy more by incorporating the book library and allowing the students to create their own reading timelines!