Stonebrook RISE: Working to Achieve Our Dreams!
We have been doing lots of exciting activities at Stonebrook this Winter! We had our Fall Showcase in December. RISE students showed their artwork, and performed dance routines and songs they had written for their families and teachers, not to mention they cooked for everyone!
It was great to start a new chapter for RISE in January. This semester we have been very focused on academic activities and games, primarily focusing on basic math and reading skills since so many of the students have been living in the US for a year or less. Here are some of the activities we’ve been doing so far!
At the beginning of the semester, we took a field trip to see the Nashville Predators play hockey downtown.
We created a “Word Wall” where students bring in daily vocabulary words and write the definitions at the front of the classroom.
Our Science teacher just led a class last week where the students planted Snow Pea plants and we are eagerly waiting for them to sprout!
RISE students enjoy a Nashville Predators game!
Ms. Tiffany accompanies RISE students to a dance clinic.
Mural Painting
For our art enhancements this semester, we have already had Theatre, Hip Hop Dance, Songwriting and are just beginning Mural Painting. In Theatre, the students learned about what it means to be a stage actor and learned lots of fun improv games that take a lot of imagination. In Songwriting, the students worked together to write a song about achieving your dreams. Several students participated in a dance clinic sponsored by Move and Grooves; they loved the chance to do more hip hop!
Many thanks to the Metro Nashville Arts Commission, Moves and Grooves, and the Predators Foundation! RISE Enhancements are funded in part by the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission.